Monday, September 28, 2009

How far have we come?

The lightbulb went off over a year ago. Two friends were discussing the streetscape, the sun, the shade, the rain and the lack of space for vegetables and fruit growing. One friend, the mover and the shaker, used to stirring up people in government offices mentioned to the other about the wasted space adjacent to her house.

To give them their due the industrial owners had attempted to landscape, planting callistemons and casuarinas along the front of the space and enclosing all behind a lockable fence. Behind this fringe of greenery lurked a bitou bush heaven, a haven for discarded supermarket trolleys (later to become a multi-purpose carrier and mover) and a refuge to truanting children whose very occupation is to throw rocks on the roof! How boring life must be.

The mover and shaker rattled the chain around the fence gate, flourished a key and in we went to inspect. This is what we found.

How to set up a garden in 20 easy steps!

20 steps? Well every good garden needs steps and we may need more than 20 to get this up and running. Did I say easy? Nothing is easy as Grem is wont to say.