‘Well I
think that one’s a crow and that one’s a cockerel!’ Ms Mova’s granddaughter was
adamant. And Ms Mova thought she had brought in two young hens! The
granddaughter was gracious enough to say she would come back and give another
assessment if needed.
Danny and
Kylie, for so they are named, arrived on Saturday. Danny fell unceremoniously
from the bottom of a broken cardboard box, not quite the planned entry.
Slightly dazed, Ms Tagalong was able to pick her up and pop her with Kylie in
the separate pen.
morning they thought they were ready for the big stage and were out there
trying to strut their stuff with the other ladies. They didn’t even belong in
the chorus line, booed and hissed off stage they cowered in the corners behind
the curtains until they were rightfully returned to the nursery pen!
Maybe in a
week or so they will be ready for a short number with the others and then
whisked offstage quickly until the next show. It might take a while for the
main cast to accept them and certainly many moons until they can take centre
stage and become the main layers in what has pretty much become an old chook’s
home! Ms Tagalong should bite her tongue, though, four eggs were laid the other
day. The warmth and Spring weather encouraging all things reproductive.