Queuing up, a notice proclaimed that the chocolate and beetroot cake used beetroot from the garden and garlic also for the garlic mushrooms on toast, both specialities of theirs.
Vegetable slice with salad and chicken and bacon salad though were the order of the day for these two garden adventurers.
Lorna, behind the counter, gave directions and Mr Ideasman trotted dutifully behind Ms T up the hill towards the National Trust offices. If truth be known, Mr Ideasman helped pull Ms T up the steep path! Two men on ladders painting looked confused as the intrepid duo poked their heads over the top of the fence searching out the luscious beetroot.
Once spied and duly photographed, Ms T hotfooted it back (easier down than up!) to acquire the recipe for that fantastic cake.
'Oh, the chef has gone home', said Lorna.
'Yes he has but it's all online now,' said a young kitchenhand.
So if you are wondering how to make this with those lovely beets from the garden, here is the link:
Montacute House Chocolate and Beetroot Cake
Ms Tagalong wanted an excuse to visit Montacute House!
It's great to have some feedback, so please leave me some comments.
Don't know if the words "beetroot" and "chocolate" should be in the same sentence...but I'll take your word for it since you brought it up!!!!