Monday, November 12, 2012

Autumn Feast at River Cottage Canteen

Autumn in the canteen

Ms Tagalong works hard at getting what she wants and so it came to pass that she, Mr Ideasman,
Ms Pintsize and Mr Gentlegiant arrived at the door of the River Cottage Canteen in Axminster in time for lunch recently.

It was busy, still busy, even though the holidays were over, all the children should have been back at school but then Ms Tagalong remembered that half term holidays were in fact a week early in some counties and hence that explained the little rugrats running around harassed parents.

Actually that last bit is just not true. Two darling little girls at the next table sat quietly and patiently crayoning and drawing waiting for their food.

The menu was full of seasonal specialities but Ms Tagalong was keen to try the kale speltotto with goat's cheese, this cheese being her new best- loved food...after rhubarb,admittedly, and perhaps ginger, and maybe even aubergine (eggplant).

Kale speltotto with goat's cheese
'Speltotto?' questioned Ms Pintsize, 'What on earth is that? Sounds like it could be Italian...'

So Ms Tagalong hauled the River Cottage Veg Every Day book off the shelf behind the bench seat and looked it up.

'This is very similar to a risotto but based on nutty grains of pearled spelt,' she read out.

'Spelt?' Ms Pintsize asked, 'isn't that the past tense of spell?'

Mr Gentlegiant smiled fondly at his wife and Ms Tagalong vowed to find out more about this ancient grain not the ancient verb!

Will someone please buy me the veg book?
But first she was going to have to eat it.

And it was creamy and perfect for a cool Autumn Day.

It's great to have some feedback, so please leave me some comments.

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