It was hot and windy in the garden but Ms Tagalong was
determined to plant the three sisters out.
She was amazed how dry the soil was even after all that rain
oh what about a week ago? Two weeks you say, yes it may have been. With hot
windy conditions since.
So who are the three sisters?
Not Ms Mova, Ms Tagalong and Red – although they could be.
Companionable, supporting each other and giving each other the best conditions
to survive and flourish!
The three sisters is a well regarded and documented way of
growing three nutritious crops by the plains Indians in the Americas.
As Ms Tagalong gently eased the corn seedlings from the pot
she was sure she caught a whiff of buffalo on the breeze. As she planted the
beans, fortuitously self sown in the garden, she could see tepees in the
distance and when the squash plants went in, previously bravely germinated in
the chicken run, she could hear, Me Big Chief Corn Belly, or some such totally
politically incorrect statement rattling around her noggin.
So that’s it, tall corn used as a climbing pole for the
beans and an anchor for them in the wind, and squash to shade and keep moist
the ground underneath. The beans fix nitrogen and allow the land to be used
again and again.
When you are next in the garden take a look and more
importantly keep watering the three sisters. Long may they flourish.
You might also take a look at the tomatoes and water them
too. Ms Tagalong took to them with some string and a pair of scissors in the
time-honoured way of helping them along by wrapping the string around the
growing shoot.
It's great to have some feedback, so please leave me some comments.