Sunday, March 20, 2011

Humble Pie

Ms Tagalong learned some salutary lessons this week. Eating humble pie being one of them. Ms Tagalong thinks that she has realised how easy it is to offend your readers when writing this type of blog. In the past there was a neat disclaimer offered-all characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

It would be rather disingenuous to offer this same disclaimer as the garden is a living, breathing reality, not an invention of the mind. However, Ms Tagalong has certainly extended poetic licence, stretched it to breaking point, exaggerated truth and downright told lies to make the story sound better or more entertaining. Quotes appear out of character's mouths and are moulded and formed to how Ms Tagalong would like them to be.

All my lovely characters, I love you all and if Ms Tagalong has poked fun gently there might not indeed have been anything to poke fun at; lies, damned lies and apologies or some such thing.

Supermoon might have had something to do with all this lack of inner self knowledge for Ms Tagalong this week. Moons make people say strange things so Ms Tagalong has been told. Several were told to her at the Full Moon Party on Saturday night but she will not reveal these, even on pain of death!

The working bee was small and fruitful. Well lots of figs were dropping just outside the garden anyway. Some very diligent helpers lovingly transplanted some seedlings into their toilet roll homes until they are planted out when a bit stronger. A labour of love with great concentration and very few cups of tea and even less glasses of wine (that came later!)

Keep them watered and we should have bumper crops of coriander and parsley this winter. Humble pie always tastes good topped with chopped atonement and coriander.

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