Monday, March 28, 2011

Bananas anyone?

Ms Tagalong was humming the Banana Boat Song, six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch! Well two foot maybe...but priceless beyond measure at today's prices. The bats seem to be leaving them well alone, they have been so full of a bumper crop of figs. They are also having a good squabble over the guavas In Ms Tagalong's garden, leaving pink holes in the lime coloured fruit, they look like little chimeneas burning on the trees.

A quiet week in the garden but don't tell Ms Mova that. She worked like a Trojan carting grass cuttings and chopping up native grape branches and sorting out the last bed. Ms Teapenny was very interested in all that was going on ably assisted by two more escapees.

On Sunday, Ms Mova corralled some assistance and seedlings were planted out. Ms Teapenny lifted one leg to scratch and she was out on her comb! She has gone back to Ms Chicken Whisperer who has just built her a two-storey mansion. She will be missed but the garden will enjoy the lack of attention from her claws and beak.

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