I mean the TANKS are coming! Well, the lentils are coming up which is nearly as exciting.
Little spindly pea-like plants cheerfully emerging where the lentils were hopefully cast. But the tanks - how wonderful for a garden that has been existing on heavy dew and Ms Mova's ever-increasing water bill!
We braved the cold this morning, a very early start in the garden, a 7 balmy degrees,
we chatted to the local PR, keep the natives sweet, man from our noisy concrete company neighbour who is willing to drop off a 4,000 litre tank for us to look at and if we like, 3 more. I think we like. Plumbing and pump come included and together with plans for a wind turbine to run it we should be self-sufficient in the near future! Mr Concrete said that he was moving to Newcastle and wondered about our lovely suburb. Ms Mova commented that this would be a good idea and he could personally phone in noise complaints to himself. Thankfully I don't think he heard. Let's keep the natives sweet!
Nice pink shoes!