Monday, April 18, 2011

Someting to tink about

Ms Tagalong has been mournfully wandering the garden rows this week. Ms Mova has gone gadabout and Ms Tagalong is for once not tagging along!

Before she left, however, she told Ms Tagalong a story about a visitor to the garden. It was dark, the candles were lit and the local literati were discussing Roald Dahl's short stories. No, the story did not have a semi-erotic, msyoginist twist for those who were there, but made Ms Tagalong think back to exotic times in far away lands.

Living in Jamaica one heard a lot of 'ting and ting', and here Ms Tagalong was, 16,758 km away, transported back to the land of wood and water just by the mention of Ting.

Explain, please, Ms Tagalong hears. Ms Chicken Expert has a relative living in Chiang Mai in Thailand and on this visit to our lovely city she was accompanied by the lovely Ting. Now Ting was on a whistle stop tour of this country and wanted to cook and demonstrate some of her recipes to her friends and their families. Ms Chicken Expert being justifiably proud of the Community Garden brought Ting along to marvel at the wonderful Autumn show of greenery.

"Did she give us some recipes for the climbing Asian spinach," Ms Tagalong asked breathlessly. Ms Mova said that she didn't think she even saw it but she was very excited about the banana flowers which had recently been cut off and said they were a special ingredient for pad thai. Ms Tagalong was fascinated and more than a little chagrined (is that a word?) to find out that good wholesome food has been discarded by herself for years and could have been used for a variety of exotic dishes. So no, the gardeners did not have a cooking demonstration of using the banana flower but now they have the knowledge not to throw them on the compost pile in the future! Ms T would love to hear about any other recipes using the banana flower that fellow gardeners may have tried.

Ting was happy to be photographed in the garden and promises to come back and cook on another visit.

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