Friday, March 22, 2013

Growing patience

On her return from overseas Ms Tagalong was very excited about reacquainting herself with Warners Bay Community Garden and viewing their new abode.

Alack and alas, her recent queries discovered that nary a sod has yet been turned. They have a banner. They have volunteers. They have the know-how. What they don't have yet is a garden.

'We do have approval from the council,' said Ian cheerfully, as Ms Tagalong purchased coriander and mizuma seedlings happily wrapped in newspaper pots. The prominent stall at the recent Farmer's Market at Speers Point was bulging with seedlings, worm wee and volunteers.

How active, how busy and devoted the group are. Four and a half years in the making and still counting until they sow their first seed in the selected Cherry Road spot.

How smug did Ms Tagalong feel? Thankfully she decided not to gloat about how guerilla gardens are the way to go. 

No approval needed, just find an unused plot, gather a few extremely keen gardeners, appropriate the land and start growing!

Of course you may come up with a little resistance. Grow Food, Not Lawns has many photos of upturned guerilla plots! (So glad we have a new fence!) But so many more of wonderful green growing spaces.

Which is your favourite photo or idea that could be incorporated into a local community garden?

It's great to have some feedback, so please leave me some comments.

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